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1. Słownictwo kluczowe „Weather”- pogoda.
Sunny- słonecznie 
Cloudy- pochmurno
Rainy- deszczowo
Snowy- śnieżnie
Windy- wietrznie


2.2. How’s The Weather? (Super Simple Songs)- piosenka

How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How’s the weather today?
Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it sunny today?
Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it rainy today?
Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it cloudy today?
Let’s look outside.
Is it snowy today?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How’s the weather today?

3.Worksheet- karta pracy. Narysuj linie łączące pogodę z właściwymi obrazkami po prawej stronie. Nazwij zjawiska atmosferyczne.